Friday, May 29, 2009

Interesting News

Sonic never going be awesome like in 90's

Because new sonic team games always try do something different. Sonic games always matter of speed, running through levels with fun. Don't know why sega keep more characters that don't make sense of the storyline.
For some reason don't think want sonic be awesome again.
But Mario it different story they always make great games.
Nintendo take time on their games but sega, keep rushing it a bad thing

New Year

Probably going be easy year, because almost finish with my credits. Only need 3 credits left and free for the whole year. I know think of a college go to for couple months. Maybe computer college, plus have great year with my friends. Going be last year see my friends and try get higher GPA score for college.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Time

There nothing much do for summer because can't go jamacia to meet my family. Plus too late get job for some money buy awesome things. Probably relax home on the computer fixing music or play with my friends. Hope my family member come do not be boring summer. I forgot can check out for driving school

Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Memory of a Senior

Well feel bad that my best friends of senior going away. Will remember all the good times and bad, plus help me in school. Hope my friends have great future and do excited things for their career. As for some people friendship last forever, but at least juniors seem like leader for two weeks. But soon we going be next on line rolling out of high school.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where In The World

Well think tokyo is interesting place to live. Think there street racing involve, i love watch the races . Want to learn about their country unqine and different from America. Wonder how create games and build better techonlogy faster than Americans . Plus always want try out the Japanese language. Hope get lucky for a ticket for tokyo, one day it a great dream

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Day of Freshmen Year

I am surprise that high school similar to middle school little more mature and teen problems. Couldn't find any friends from lauderhill middle school. So try make new friends and their awesome. Plus, able enjoy this school more becuase less trouble than my last school. Too bad soon going end in my senior year. The First day of Freshmen Year was pretty good and my best year in high schools

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Quote

If you do well school, can achieve anything in life
- Alton Williams
Why this quote is important without education can't do amazing things like famous people. Learn everything can help people and survive life situations that would not believe. The picture of Obama is good example, couple of Americans trust obama that will good for the country. School might not always be fun but important later in life.